Perth Limo Prices.

Limousine quotes and estimates.
When you request a quotation for the hire of a limousine make sure you check all the terms and conditions prior to making a booking. There can be some confusion between a quote and an estimate. The quote should state a firm price for the hire as requested. Usually it would have pick up times and drop of times or the number of hours the quote is for. There will be a condition about extra time and charge rates. Best to be aware of the rates if you have to extend. Also be aware if you book for 6 passenger and then have 8 when limo arrives you may be also asked to pay more. Most pricing takes into account the passenger numbers regardless of the limousine size. If you state 6 passengers then it may also be a 6 passenger limo that arrives. 
Watch out for any company that has in its terms that they reserves the right to charge extra if they have under estimated the job. This is not a quote but an estimate that you are receiving and should be titled Estimate. Beware.

Estimates:   An estimate is roughly how much the tradesperson or professional thinks the job will cost. They must use their skill and experience to make the estimate. The actual price may be more or less, but it shouldn’t be too much more – it should be within 10 to 15%

For more information:

For a fair and accurate quote : 

 14/9/2021 K Tolley

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